Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee Project for CHCA

To:      Residents of the Columbia Heights neighborhood

Monday night members of Columbia Heights Civic Association approved a first-priority project to be submitted to the Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee (NCAC) this Thursday (December 10).

The group discussed three possible projects but settled on one that would provide new street lights running down S. Edgewood Street, from Columbia Pike to 13th Road, going around the corner on 13th Road, and looping around to S. Cleveland Street all the way back to Columbia Pike.  The project would include the side streets of 13th Street and 12th Street, between Cleveland and Edgewood.  This “loop” would include undergrounding infrastructure.

The other projects considered included upgrading the pocket park at S. Cleveland Street and 11th Street, and the possibility of sidewalks on some blocks within our civic association area (although no specific block was identified).     If you have any comments or suggestions about any of these options, please let us know as soon as possible.

Ron Haddox

CHCA Membership Meeting, Monday, Dec 7th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm Location: ONLINE

CHCA Membership Meeting, Monday, Dec 7th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm
Location: ONLINE
7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – (Ron Haddox)
7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the Nov 9th meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)
7:10 PM Form-Based Code – Update (Juliet)
7:20 PM Updates
  • Newsletter (Marian)
  • 11th Street & Edgewood – STOP sign discussionLetter/Plan  (Marian)
  • NC Plan Update (NCAC next project proposal & 12/10 deadline, discussion.) –  Z285_Proposed Design
  • Affordable housing/Drew impact – (Erin & Marian
  • Green Valley/Columbia Heights – Boundary Vote at CivFed.
  • 3rd District Officer Introduction – Questions/Comments Planning for our next meeting on Jan 11th.
  • Vision Zero – The County Board committed the County to this issue through the adoption of a “Vision Zero” policy, charging us to develop goals and action plans toward eliminating death and serious injury from traffic collisions. We encourage advocates for safe transportation options to get engaged through the County’s Vision Zero Planning effort, Right now, our Vision Zero team is taking input regarding experience-based safety concerns. If you have a moment, please visit this website: to learn more about this planning process.
  • Traffic Concerns in CHCA Review by Transportation Engineering and Operations (TE&O) team review your material and provide a status report regarding each of the following items you have indicated as incomplete or requiring follow-up.
List of Concerns/Requests:
  1. Stop Line request for westbound approach of the intersection at 12th Street South and S. Edgewood
    1. Stop Sign Location review to address visibility concerns at this intersection. Include any information available about landscape encroachments.
  1. Stop Line(s) request (all directions) for 13th Street South and S. Edgewood
    1. Stop Sign Location review to address visibility concerns at this intersection. Include any information available about landscape encroachments.
  1. Crosswalk marking request at northern crossing of S. Edgewood and 11th Street South. From my understanding, this would not be accommodated due to the fact that an accessible curb ramp does not exist at the northwest corner of this intersection. The crosswalk would be necessarily placed in direct conflict with the driveway apron at the rear of the Walgreens parking lot. A capital project would need to be identified to reengineer this location to provide an ADA accessible curb ramp. I also note from the street view at this location that the a manhole cover is almost directly aligned with a logical crosswalk location, which would complicate the work necessary to create the referenced curb ramp. As a reminder, marking a crosswalk does not create a “legal” crossing, nor does absence of a marked crosswalk represent an “illegal” crossing. A legal crosswalk exists whether it is marked or not, and pedestrians in Virginia may cross at any safe gap in traffic. Crosswalks are only marked where it is safe to do so and they meet necessary criteria, including accessible curb ramps at both ends.  
  1. Confirm location(s) of streetlights to be added along S. Edgewood – with noted location of block between 12th St. S. and 13th St. S.  
  1. Confirm intent and schedule for post-construction traffic investigation and 4-way stop analysis at S. Edgewood and 11th Street South. We may need to have a description the behavior involving illegal u-turns better to assess this concern. My understanding has been that It is legal to make u-turns within an intersection in Virginia as long as the intersection is otherwise clear of oncoming traffic and/or pedestrians. Regarding illegal parking, parking enforcement is distinct from traffic engineering, and we would advise residents or businesses to refer to Police Non-Emergency 703-558-2222 for reporting in-process traffic violations.

    Regarding 4-way stops, we remind requesters that STOP controls are placed in accordance with the Federal Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), and not used as traffic calming but to control the intersection when warranted based on traffic and/or pedestrian volumes, as well as other specified criteria. Any individual or Civic Association may request an analysis of a STOP control, but there is no special treatment based on neighborhood. Each is analyzed independently and objectively based on the criteria referenced in the MUTCD.
  1. Confirm locations and schedule, if available, for concrete projects for S. Edgewood curb ramps.
  1. Traffic safety investigation for intersection(s) of S. Walter Reed Drive at 13th Street South and 12th Street South. Based on another recent complaint and request for traffic enforcement at a nearby intersection – 14th Street S. and Walter Reed – Our Police Special Operations and Traffic Enforcement Section made a considerable effort to temporarily intervene with nearly all available enforcement methods we have available at this location. ACPD-SOS deployed a speed classifier at this location from August 25th – 31st, 2020, measuring over 56,000 vehicles. This classifier collects speed data, which showed that 12.8% of vehicles measured were traveling 5mph or more above the posted speed limit. 2% of vehicles were speeding at 10mph or more above the limit. While this is not an insignificant number of speeding vehicles, it does not meet the standard, County Board adopted definition of “speeding problem,” which is defined as “when the 85th percentile speed on the affected street/s or street segment is 5 mph or more over the posted speed limit”. DES-TEO may have more information to share upon review at the locations you’ve identified.
Ben Aiken (he/his/him)
Arlington County Manager’s Office


  • NOTE: If you didn’t receive an invite please contact Ron – “”.

CHCA Membership Meeting, Monday, Nov 9th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm Location: ONLINE

CHCA Membership Meeting, Monday, Nov 9th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm
Location: ONLINE
7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – (Ron Haddox)
7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the Oct 19th meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)
7:10 PM Form-Based Code – Update (Juliet)
7:20 PM Updates
  • Newsletter (Marian)
  • 11th Street & Edgewood – STOP sign discussionWe have a plan!  (Marian)
  • NC Plan Update (Laura Simpson – Planner, Neighborhood Conservation Program) –  Z285_Proposed Design
  • Affordable housing/Drew impact – (Erin) – 


  • NOTE: If you didn’t receive an invite please contact Ron – “”.

Early Voting Still an option!

Arlington has had over 70,000 early votes. But Columbia Pike, and the 22204 zip code neighborhoods, have completely underperformed the rest of Arlington. 
It’s still not too late to vote early and avoid long lines on November 3. Voting at Walter Reed continues all this week, from 2 pm to 7 pm, with the last day of early voting on Saturday, October 31.
Note that early voting on Saturday is from 9 AM to 5 PM (not 2-7, like the rest of the week).

Group Letter Opposing N-FBC Amendment

Group Letter Opposing N-FBC Amendment 10-13-20 updated

From Our Letter to ACB: Last week the Planning Commission barely eked out a vote in favor, with half of the commissioners present either voting against or abstaining (6-4-2). The Housing Commission then voted 7-3 to recommend you reject the proposal and instead direct staff to study affordable homeownership throughout the county as part of the upcoming Affordable Housing Master Plan review. We agree with the Housing Commission’s position and urge you to reject the proposed amendment.

Columbia Heights Letter Opposing Increase N-FBC AH Elig 10-13-20 rev ex 1

October 17, 2020, County Board Agenda Item #46.B. N-FBC-11 Amendment to the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance Article 11.2 Section 902 CPN-FBC Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Form-Based Code Districts (Appendix B of the Zoning Ordinance) to adjust the Area Median Income (AMI) limit for affordable homeownership units from 60% of AMI to new limits that range up to 80% of AMI and up to 100% of AMI

ORA Statement to the Arlington County Board 

ORA Statement to the Arlington County Board on the Proposed Amendment to Arlington County Zoning Ordinance Article 11.2 Section 902 “CPN-FBC” Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Form-Based Code Districts (Appendix B)

John Snyder letter to County Board re FBC amendment AMI levels

I am writing to urge you to reject the proposed changes to homeownership income requirements in the Columbia Pike Neighborhood Form-Based Code. While promoting middle-income homeownership is positive, these changes would do so by undermining the Pike Neighborhoods Form-Based Code’s purpose–preserving affordable homes for nearly 6000 moderate-income households along the Pike. The County should find another way to promote middle-income homeownership, on a county-wide basis, concurrent with the coming review of the Affordable Housing.

NFBC Pryor 2020-10

Background Material for County Board on Item #47
Neighborhoods Form Based Code
October 17, 2020

Background Material for County Board on Item #47

Background Material for County Board on Item #47
Neighborhoods Form Based Code
October 17, 2020

CB testimony Pryor 2020-10-17

Good morning, my name is Stefanie Pryor. I was horrified when I read in the report that staff wants to better align the Neighborhoods Form Based Code with the overall cost of homeownership within the County

Kathleen McSweeney letter 10-14-20

I served on the Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Plan and subsequent Implementation Tools working group (along with Mr. Karantonis) that resulted in the Neighborhood Form-Based Code (FBC). There are several concerns that have been raised by many regarding this proposal, but I will keep this brief and will focus on the original goals of the FBC, the appropriate process for comprehensive change to align housing policies County-wide, and the timing of this change.


Housing Commission Letter 10-14-20


Delegate Lopez Letter_ to County Board on AMI

I’m writing to oppose the proposed effort to raise the eligibility for affordable housing from 60% to 100% of area median income (AMI) at the Arlington County Board Meeting on Saturday. The proposal is not supported by the communities along Columbia Pike and runs counter to the Neighborhoods Form-Based Code (N-FBC).

Alliance Housing Solutions N-FBC 10-15-20

We are writing on behalf of the Alliance for Housing Solutions and the undersigned supporters to address the proposed update of the income targeting for homeownership units under the Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Form-Based Code (N-FBC). We recommend that the County Board defer action on the proposal so that some key flaws in the policy can be addressed, preferably as part of the pending five-year update of the Affordable Housing Master Plan.

10.14.2020 Arlington Branch NAACP Letter to County Board (Form-Based Code)-Final

On October 8, 2020, the Arlington Branch NAACP attended and provided public comments before the Housing Commission to oppose the county staff’s recommendation to target the Columbia Pike community with an amendment that would reduce or perhaps eliminate this important housing stock in the county. The Housing Commission voted 7-3 to recommend the County Board reject the proposal and instead direct staff to study affordable homeownership throughout the county in the upcoming Affordable Housing Master Plan review. We support the Housing Commission recommendation.

CHCA Annual Membership Meeting, Monday, Oct 19th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm Location: ONLINE

CHCA Annual Membership Meeting, Monday, Oct 19th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm
Location: ONLINE
7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – (Ron Haddox)
7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the Sept 14th  meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)
7:10 PM Form-Based Code – Update (Juliet)
7:20 PM Updates
• Affordable Housing project in Green Valley: 

Discuss sending a letter to County Board and APS in opposition to this project, as it will create an influx of low-income children at Drew Elementary School, our neighborhood school. Drew currently has a 63% FRL rate (free and reduced lunch, the metric used to measure the number of low-income students), making it the 3rd highest FRL % school in Arlington. At only 65% current capacity, there are a lot of seats left to fill.
Green Valley has provided further analysis in opposition of this project on their website: Issues — Green Valley Neighborhood Arlington County, VA Affordable Housing. We have reached out to their President to offer support from CHCA to oppose this project and the negative impact that it would have on Drew.

Joint letter w/Green Valley to Civic Federation to finalize the County’s map with regard to our boundary (status)

• Purple Lounge – This upcoming Wednesday at 12 noon CPRO will be joined by ACPD, the County Manager, and Staff, and possibly ABC to discuss public safety across the County and Columbia Pike. October 14 Public Safety Zoom (Purple Lounge is on the Agenda). Will have representation from ACPD, County Manager, State Delegation, and potentially ABC.

  • Newsletter (Marian)
  • 11th Street & Edgewood – STOP sign discussion – We need a plan ASAP!  Where is the plan?
  • Vote to retain the current Officer positions for another term. Absent any objections or challengers, conduct a vote of members present to retain the following persons in the following positions:
    President: Ron Haddox
    Vice President: Sarah McKinley
    Secretary: Marian Gooderham
    Treasurer: Josh Folb
    Member at Large: Meredith Gade
    Member at Large: Ed Miltenberger
    Member at Large: VACANT

Special Speaker – Takis Karantonis, Arlington County Board

Letter to Housing Commission 9-1-20


Group Letter Opposing N-FBC Amendment 10-13-20 updated:

Columbia Heights Letter Opposing Increase N-FBC AH Elig 10-13-20 rev ex 1


  • NOTE: If you didn’t receive an invite please contact Ron – “”.

CHCA Membership Meeting, Monday, Sept. 14th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm

CHCA Membership Meeting, Monday, Sept. 14th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm
Location: ONLINE
7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – (Ron Haddox)
7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the July 13th  meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)
7:10 PM Form-Based Code – Update (Juliet)
7:20 PM Updates
  • Update on the status of boundary clarification/sign – Green Valley and CHCA (All).
  • Newsletter (Marian)
  • 11th Street & Edgewood – STOP sign discussion – We need a plan ASAP!
  • CHCA Annual Meeting – next steps
  • Membership Drive (Ed)

Letter to Housing Commission 9-1-20



  • NOTE: If you didn’t receive an invite please contact Ron – “”.

Special Boundary Meeting: Sept 1, 2020 07:00 PM

Special Boundary Meeting
Join us for a special Zoom meeting to discuss the final process to confirm that the southern side of 16th St S remains part of the Columbia Heights neighborhood and Civic Association.

Meeting Agenda for the Boundary Meeting Sept 1st.

  • Background: Our boundary map was incorrect in the County records so in order to make that correction,
  • Join Meetings: Our Civic Association (CHCA) and Green Valley Civic Association held multiple meetings to clarify the boundaries, researched and sent confirming letters, while the process was moderated by the Civic Federation.
  • Final step in the process is this meeting: Wherein we advise residents on the south side of 16th St S that they remain part of the Columbia Heights neighborhood and Civic Association.
  • To alleviate the confusion: Confusion caused by the current placement of the Green Valley neighborhood sign at the corner of 16th St S and Walter Reed (placed there because the apartment building has a Walter Reed address and is therefore within the Green Valley boundary), we have asked the County to install the Columbia Heights neighborhood sign just east of the Green Valley sign to reflect the boundary along the south side of 16th St. S.

Ron Haddox is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Update to inform the residents on the southside of the 16th Street be officially informed that they are in the Columbia Heights Civic Association.
Time: Sep 1, 2020, 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

We will be emailing the invite to our membership and will be posted on our Facebook page.

Please email Ron Haddox at if you haven’t got the invite.


CHCA Membership Meeting, Monday August 10th, 2020

CHCA Membership Meeting, Monday, August 10th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm
Location: ONLINE
7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – (Ron Haddox)
7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the July 13th  meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)
7:10 PM Form-Based Code – Please pull item #30 from consent agenda – Update (Juliet)
7:20 PM Updates
  • Update on the status of boundary clarification/sign – Green Valley and CHCA (All).
  • Newsletter (Marian and Sarah)??
  • 11th Street & Edgewood – STOP sign discussion – We need a plan ASAP!
  • CHCA Annual Meeting – next steps
  • Membership Drive (Ed)
  • Website Updates:
  • NOTE: If you didn’t receive an invite please contact Ron – “”.

CHCA Membership Meeting, Monday, July 13th

CHCA Membership Meeting, Monday, July 13th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm
Location: ONLINE
7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – (Ron Haddox)
7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the May 11th meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)
7:10  PM  Update on MOU/MOA between BM Smith, Pike Park (Walgreens/Riteaid), County, & CHCA?
7:20 PM Updates
  • Update on the status of boundary clarification/sign – Green Valley and CHCA (All).
  • Status of Advanced Towing and the impact had on our Neighborhood.
  • Form-Based Code – Please pull item #30 from consent agenda – Update (Juliet)
  • Newsletter (Marian and Sarah)??
  • 11th Street & Edgewood – STOP sign discussion
  • CHCA Annual Meeting – next steps

NOTE: If you didn’t receive an invite please contact Ron – “”.