CHCA Meeting, Monday, November 11th 2019, 6 pm

Agenda for our next Columbia Heights Civic Association Meeting
CHCA Meeting, Monday, Nov 11th Veterans Day 2019, 6 pm – 8 pm
New Location: 2701 12th St S. Arlington VA 22204

6:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight (need to add a new delegate for CivFed – Eric Brescia is leaving the country) – Ron Haddox

6:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the Oct 14h meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)

6:15 PM Career Center BLPC/PFRC update (Takis and Marian)

6:45 PM CHCA Schools Committee (Sarah)

7:00 PM Arlington Arts / Transit Station Art update (Juliet)

7:15 PM Future meeting with the County’s Foresters. (Marian, All)

7:20 PM Status Update on the current state of the Lee Highway planning and a proposed re-development of Arlington  (Ben)

7:35 PM Parks and Rec about Walter Reed playground Action items Update (Marian and Eleanor)

7:45 PM CHCA Meeting at Pupatella – December 9th (Ron, All)

7:50 PM Old Business –Letter to CPRO (The current state of the Columbia Heights Farmers Market and Vendors concerns.) (Takis)

Meredith is up offering up her house for the meeting:  Our normal meeting place will be closed due to the holiday, Nov 11th Veterans Day.  Meredith has a big island but limited seating as of now.  So we may need to borrow folding chairs to accommodate everyone.

Her address is 2701 12th St S. Arlington VA 22204

Reminder CHCA is moving off Columbia Height’s new list server is   FYI.  ColumibaHeightsCA is still our group name. Please continue to use the Yahoo Groups service until the transfer has completed which should be completed by our next December Meeting on December 9th.

CHCA Meeting, Monday, October 14, 2019, 7 pm

CHCA Meeting, Monday, October 14, 2019, 7 pm
Walter Reed Community Center
7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – Ron Haddox
7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the September 9th meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)
7:10 PM Dept. of Parks and Recreation (DPR) – planning and design of playgrounds – discussion/presentation.
8:15 PM Career Center BLPC/PFRC update (Takis and Marian)and CHCA Schools Committee (Sarah)
8:20 PM Arlington Arts / Transit Station Art (Sarah)
8:25 PM CHCA Meeting at Pupatella/Halloween Party with Green Valley. (All)
8:30 PM Future meeting with the County’s Foresters. (Marian, All)
8:35 PM Old Business –Letter to CPRO (The current state of the Columbia Heights Farmers Market and Vendors concerns.) (Takis)

Walk Bike and Roll to School Day (WBR2SD) 2019 

Walk Bike and Roll to School Day (WBR2SD) 2019 is coming up on Wednesday, October 2.  APS has been participating in this annual international event for nearly two decades.  As in past years, all APS schools are participating.  The 2019 “focus school,” where APS’ main celebration will take place, is Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary School.



Walk Bike and Roll to School Day 2019   

APS 2019 “Focus School” Celebration



Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary School

3500 S. 23rd Street, Arlington  22206

*Celebration will take place outdoors on field next to school.



Wednesday, October 2  (October 9 rain date in event of severe inclement weather)*

  • @ 8:20-9:00 a.m.             STUDENTS ARRIVE by bus, bike, walk or drop off and head to field/meet teacher

*this will include a See Me Flag demo

  • 9:20 a.m.                           STUDENTS DISMISSED TO ENTER BUILDING / PROCEED TO CLASS


Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary students (@450 PreK-5th), staff and families

Arlington School Board (invited)

APS Superintendent/Leadership (invited)

Arlington County Transportation/Commuter Services Staff (invited), including WalkArlington, BikeArlington and ATP

Arlington County Police/School Resource Officer

APS Multimodal Transportation Planning / Safe Routes to School Staff



Each year on the first Wednesday in October, schools across Arlington County (and around the world) walk, bike and roll to school in celebration of Walk Bike and Roll to School Day. Arlington has taken part in this international event for nearly two decades, and participation continues to grow each year as APS students, whether new to walking/biking/rolling to school or regular active transportation commuters, celebrate the countless health, environmental, and community-building benefits of active transportation.


As students here in Arlington join schools, families, community partners, and elected officials world-wide in celebrating the joys and benefits of walking and biking to school on October 2, APS will kick off a year of active transportation, redoubling our efforts to make walking, biking and rolling part of the school commute on WBR2SD and every day.

Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary School
 was chosen as APS’ “focus school” this year because, as a new NEIGHBORHOOD school, Drew has more walkers and a more localized school community than in the past, AND Drew families are already doing a lot to encourage walking and support pedestrian safety.



Drew family members/VIP guests are invited to join the commute and post-commute festivities as participants or spectators.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Organize a walking school bus or bike train or remote drop-off location to meet up with other families and walk/bike to school together  (see resources
  • Join Drew staff in greeting / high-fiving students arriving on foot, by bike, by school bus starting around 8:30 a.m.  (Students will arrive either via the sidewalk in front of school door #1, across the field to the south of school, or along sidewalk dividing field from parking lot.)
  • Stand outside the Dr. Charles R. Drew arch to greet students as they approach campus
  • Take part in activities / short program on field
  • Take photos and tweet #APSWalk2SchoolDay



Contact Lauren Hassel, APS Safe Routes to School Coordinator at

More information on APS Walk Bike and Roll to School Day can be found at:

CHCA Meeting, Monday, September 9th, 2019, 7 pm

CHCA Meeting, Monday, September 9th, 2019, 7 pm
Walter Reed Community Center

7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – Ron Haddox

7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the August 12th meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)

7:10 PM CHCA policy for communication to be adopted and what it means (Marian and Eric G.)

7:15 PM Career Center BLPC nominations update (Ron, Takis and Marian)

7:20 PM Boundary Clarification Letter with GVCA (Eric, Ron and All Board Members)

7:45 PM Old Business – Follow up regarding traffic/pedestrian issues and next steps (Postpone until September.)

Letter to CPRO (The current state of the Columbia Heights Farmers Market and Vendors concerns.) (Takis)   

Letter to Arlington County (The current state of the Walter Reed Community Center playground, and petitioning the County to add it to the list of projects needed to be re-done.) (Marian)

CHCA Meeting, Monday August 12th, 2019, 7pm

CHCA Meeting, Monday, August 12th, 2019, 7 pm
Walter Reed Community Center

7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – Ron Haddox

7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the July 8th meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)

7:10 PM CHCA policy for communication to be adopted and what it means (Marian and Eric G.)

7:15 PM Career Center BLPC nominations update if any? (Sarah and Marian)

7:20 PM Civic Federation – Notification of our Delegates, Alternates, and Officers (Ron)

7:30 PM Boundary Clarification with GVCA Status Update (Ron)

7:45 PM Old Business – Follow up regarding traffic/pedestrian issues and next steps (Postpone until September.)

7:50  PM New Business:

Letter to CPRO (The current state of the Columbia Heights Farmers Market and Vendors concerns.) (Takis)   

Letter to Arlington County (The current state of the Walter Reed Community Center playground, and petitioning the County to add it to the list of projects needed to be re-done.) (Marian)



Make a Service Request or Report a Problem To Arlington County

Make a Service Request or Report a Problem 
This service is for non-emergency requests and is monitored during weekdays.  For emergencies, call 911.

Other Reporting Methods

CHCA Meeting, Monday, July 8th, 2019, 7 pm

CHCA Meeting, Monday, July 8th, 2019, 7 pm
Walter Reed Community Center

7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – Ron Haddox

7:05 PM Treasurer Report, Membership Dues for CPRO – Josh Folb 

7:10 PM Update: CHCA policy for communication (Marian, Meredith)

7:15 PM Career Center BLPC nominations Status

7:20 PM Civic Federation – Validation and Certification

7:45 PM Boundary Clarification  with GVCA Status Update (Sarah)

8:00 PM Old Business – Follow up regarding traffic/pedestrian issues and next steps      8:15 PM New Business – Arlington County Trees Who, What and Where – Responsibilities.             

CHCA Meeting, Monday, June 10th 2019, 7 pm

CHCA Meeting, Monday, June 10th, 2019, 7 pm
Walter Reed Community Center

7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – Ron Haddox

7:05 PM Treasurer Report – Josh Folb – Membership update

7:10 PM CHCA policy for communication (Marian, Meredith)

7:30 PM Career Center BLPC nominations

7:45 PM Boundary Clarification  with GVCA; establish issue/timeline; plan for                                   engagement –  (Sarah, Ron)

8:00 PM Old Business – Follow up regarding traffic/pedestrian issues and next steps                                    (All)

CHCA Planning Meeting April 8th

CHCA Meeting, Monday, April 8th, 2019, 7 pm

Walter Reed Community Center

7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – Ron Haddox

Topics of Discussion: Planning for the upcoming candidate’s debates.

7:10 PM  Treasurer Report – Josh Folb – Membership update

7:15 PM  Update from Civic Federation Delegates and Alternates –

7:20 PM  Old Business

  • Planning for the next NCAC charrette for the East Side of CHCA – When and Where: CHCA charrette. Sarah and Juliet
  • Event with Columbia Heights, Douglas Park, and Nauck to welcome new families to Drew Elementary – Update from Erin

7:25 PM Upcoming Debates –  2019 Columbia Pike Primary Debates May 15th


CHCA Meeting March 11th – AMAZON’s arrival in Arlington: Opportunities, Challenges and Arlington’s next steps

CHCA – Membership Meeting, Monday, March 11, 2019, 7pm
Walter Reed Community Center

7:00 PM              President’s Update and the goals for tonight – Ron Haddox

Topics of Discussion: This month’s CHCA meeting will feature Christian Dorsey, answering your question on where we are with Amazon and what is the county’s next steps. The hour about Amazon and the county’s next step is intended for Columbia Heights residents only and that questions will only be taken from Columbia Heights residents.  We can make this statement as the county board said publicly at Saturday’s meeting that they were fanning out and intended to get one board member at EVERY civic association in the next month and would go to any other meetings they could.  If someone from another association wants to express an opinion they need to get their board to host a meeting.

7:10 PM               Treasurer Report – Josh Folb – Membership update

7:15 PM               Update from Civic Federation Delegates and Alternates –

7:20 PM               Old Business

  • Planning for the next NCAC charrette for the East Side of CHCA – When and Where: CHCA charrette. Sarah and Juliet
  • Event with Columbia Heights, Douglas Park, and Nauck to welcome new families to Drew Elementary – Erin
  • Update of the old Willow Oak Tree – Sarah and Meredith
  • EvolveAll Fitness: Student pick-up and drop-off for EvolveAll – safety concerns and letter of support -Sarah

8:00 PM               AMAZON’s arrival in Arlington: Opportunities, Challenges and Arlington’s next steps

  • A conversation with Christian Dorsey, Chair of the Arlington County Board
  • Welcome, and introductions (3 min) –  Takis will introduce him and moderate the discussion.
  • Introductory Remarks (Christian Dorsey, 5 min)
  • Moderated Q&A – starting with introductory questions by the moderator then opening to the public (which will have the opportunity to submit questions on cards or prior to the meeting online (Ron) (35 min) –
  • Brief summary, takeaways, and pointers to resources and the ongoing civic dialog.

CHCA: Amazon Questions

AMAZON’s arrival in Arlington: Opportunities, Challenges and Arlington’s next steps. A Columbia Heights Neighborhood Conversation! March 11, 2019, 7pm! Here you can send us your questions and comments in advance so that we pass them on to the moderator and speaker! Thanks for participating!

  • Please be concise; if you have multiple questions: please use the space available or submit this and load a new form.
    This is an event for neighbors and members of the Columbia Heights Civic Association (CHCA) in Arlington VA. You don't have to be a member in order to attend the event; but we would like to approach you to become one!

Want to become a member?