CHCA Membership Meeting, Monday, June 8th, 2020, 7 pm – 8 pm

CHCA Membership Meeting, Monday, June 8th, 2020, 7 pm – 8 pm
Location: ONLINE
7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – (Ron Haddox)
7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the May 11th meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)
7:10  PM  Update on MOU/MOA between BM Smith, Pike Park (Walgreens/Riteaid), County, & CHCA?  Update: CPRO will be working to set up a meeting between the appropriate parties, so they can determine how best to proceed. (Reggie)
7:20 PM Updates
  • Newsletter (Marian and Sarah)??
  • Follow-Up Re: Columbia Heights Civic Association – Walter Reed CC Playground, etc. Meeting Oct 14. (Marian)
  • Update on the status of boundary clarification/sign – Green Valley and CHCA (Sarah).
  • Career Center BLPC/PFRC update from the last public meeting. (Marian)

NOTE: If you didn’t receive an invite please contact Ron – “”.

CHCA Meeting, Monday, May 11th, 2020, 7 pm Location: ONLINE

CHCA Meeting, Monday, May 11th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm
Location: ONLINE

7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – (Ron Haddox)

7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the April 13th meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)

7:10  PM  Update on MOU/MOA between BM Smith, Pike Park (Walgreens/Riteaid), County, & CHCA?  Update: CPRO will be working to set up a meeting between the appropriate parties, so they can determine how best to proceed. (Reggie)

7:20 PM Updates

  • Newsletter (Marian and Sarah)
  • Follow-Up Re: Columbia Heights Civic Association – Walter Reed CC Playground, etc. Meeting Oct 14. (Marian/Ron)
  • Career Center BLPC/PFRC update from the last public meeting. (Takis and Marian)
  • Letter to Police Chief Farr – motor vehicle license camera data.
  • Update on the status of boundary clarification – Green Valley and CHCA.

CHCA Leadership Meeting, Monday, March 30th, 2020, 7 pm – 8 pm Location: ONLINE

CHCA Leadership Meeting, Monday, March 30th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm
Location: ONLINE

7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – (Ron Haddox)

7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the Feburay 10th meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)

7:10 PM Treasury Report – Dues for this year (Josh)

7:15 PM Update and Discussion on FBC/N-FBC Proposed Revisions (Juliet)

7:20  PM  Update on MOU/MOA between BM Smith, Pike Park (Walgreens/Riteaid), County, & CHCA?  Update: CPRO will be working to set up a meeting between the appropriate parties, so they can determine how best to proceed. (Reggie)

7:30 PM Career Center BLPC/PFRC update from the last public meeting. (Takis and Marian)

7:45 PM Updates

  • Newsletter (Marian and Sarah)
  • Request from Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall (Sarah, Reggie, Juliet, and Ron)
  • Notice of Use Permit Review: EvolveAll Martial Arts -1058 S. Walter Reed Drive – (Sarah, All)
  • Follow-Up Re: Columbia Heights Civic Association – Walter Reed CC Playground, etc. Meeting Oct 14. (Marian/Ron)

CHCA Meeting, Monday, March 9th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm

CHCA Meeting, Monday, March 9th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm
Location: Walter Reed Community Center

7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – (Ron Haddox)

7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the Feburay 10th meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)

7:10 PM Treasury Report – Dues for this year (Josh)

7:15 PM Discussion on FBC/N-FBC Proposed Revisions (Juliet)

7:45 PM Share your thoughts on Safe Transportation in Arlington – (All)

7:50 PM  Update on MOU/MOA between BM Smith, Pike Park (Walgreens/Riteaid), County, & CHCA?  Update: CPRO will be working to set up a meeting between the appropriate parties, so they can determine how best to proceed. (Reggie)

8:20  PM Career Center BLPC/PFRC update from the last public meeting. (Takis and Marian)

8:45 PM Updates

  • Newsletter (Marian and Sarah)
  • Request from Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall (Sarah, Reggie, Juliet, and Ron)
  • Notice of Use Permit Review: EvolveAll Martial Arts -1058 S. Walter Reed Drive – (Sarah, All)
  • A Conversation about Housing with the Arlington County Board – (Takis/All)
  • Follow-Up Re: Columbia Heights Civic Association – Walter Reed CC Playground, etc. Meeting Oct 14. (Marian/Ron)
  • Trove Public Park Name Feedback Request (All?)

CHCA Meeting, Monday, February 10th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm

CHCA Meeting, Monday, February 10th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm
Location: Walter Reed Community Center

7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – (Ron Haddox)

7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the January 13th meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)

7:10 PM Treasury Report – Dues for this year (Josh)

7:15 PM Discussion on FBC – (Juliet)

7:45 PM CHCA Partners with the Census (Sarah)

Census partners are vital to ensuring a complete and accurate count. As trusted voices in your communities, you play a key role in raising awareness that the 2020 Census is easy, safe, and important.

7:50 PM Update from the PPG Feb 1th Meeting (Sarah, Reggie and ALL)

8:20  PM Resolution to APS and the County Board regarding our position on its proposed renovations of the Library (concerns about cutting study space/going mostly digital, etc.). Discussion and a formal vote are requested by Juliet Hiznay. (ALL)

8:45 PM Career Center BLPC/PFRC update from the last public meeting. (Takis and Marian)

CHCA Meeting’s Agenda, Monday, February 10th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm

CHCA Meeting, Monday, February 10th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm
Location: Walter Reed Community Center

7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – (Ron Haddox)

7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the January 13th meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)

7:10 PM Treasury Report – Dues for this year (Josh)

7:15 PM CHCA Partners with the Census (Sarah)

Census partners are vital to ensuring a complete and accurate count. As trusted voices in your communities, you play a key role in raising awareness that the 2020 Census is easy, safe, and important.

7:20 PM Update from the PPG Feb 1th Meeting (Sarah, Reggie and ALL)

Email From CPRO:

1.)    Possibly developing a MOU/MOA between BM Smith, Pike Park (Walgreens/Riteaid), County, & CHCA?  Attached is a discussion document that I used when I was LOCA’s president, which resulted in the following MOA:  CPRO will be working to set up a meeting between the appropriate parties, so they can determine how best to proceed.

2.)    Reggie’s Draft letter: Where does this fit in with what is CPRO is doing?

3.) Discussion – Answer to our questions. (Sarah)

Question from Ron: Students from the north side of the county are being permitted to transfer into schools south of Route 50. Unfortunately, this means that the Title 1 schools are receiving more students, which artificially inflates the number of students per class. This places additional burdens on high poverty schools. Has the school board considered this dynamic in addressing the transfer policy? Why or why not?

Answer: The school system has to balance many competing concerns. One issue that has been debated for years is an income disparity between the schools.  We don’t want a few targeted schools to have all the economically disadvantaged students, while other schools have all the affluence.  There has been a quiet discussion going on about how to minimize this disparity without resorting to forced busing, which nobody wants.  Transfers between schools (and this goes both ways, with some South Arlington kids transferred to north Arlington schools and vice versa) helps to achieve this.  The transfers help to minimize the income disparities in these communities and doing so on a voluntary basis

Question from Marian: What discussions have the school board or staff had regarding the type of options program is likely to occupy the additional 800 seats at the Career Center. What type of program does she personally believe would be the best fit for that location—performing arts, for example, because of the addition of the theater? Meredith added—is the board planning to adopt an option program for the planned seats within the current IPP process?

Answer: I can’t tell you much. Tannia didn’t commit to anything, but she did acknowledge that adopting a performing arts option might require more parking for performances.

Please review – Much has been going on since the last PPG Meeting in January. (Kim’s report out)  (Sarah)

Here are some of the highlights:

1.) Possibly developing a MOU/MOA between BM Smith, Pike Park (Walgreens/Riteaid), County, & CHCA?  Attached is a discussion document that I used when I was LOCA’s president, which resulted in the following MOA:  CPRO will be working to set up a meeting between the appropriate parties, so they can determine how best to proceed.

2.) CPRO has been partnering with AED Biz Launch, SCORE, LEDC, Property Owners, and others to develop short-term and long-term resources, etc. to help support Columbia West End Businesses that have been impacted by construction.  Learn more about past and upcoming events, resources, etc. here:  Depending on what is approved in the FY2021 budget, we may be able to utilize some of these preliminary efforts to develop and begin to execute a (more proactive) small business engagement plan/program for Columbia Pike.  As we learn from this effort, the plan/program could be utilized by other partnerships, alliances, etc.

3.) CPRO has been partnering with DES, Transit, AED, County Ombudsman, etc. regarding West End Construction to 1.) Ensure expectations are set and communications go out to the public bi-weekly  2.) Asking the right questions to assist in expediting and/or lessening the disruption caused by the construction.  Latest update: We have regularly scheduled status meetings with the parties listed above.  Our next meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 7, 2020.

4.) CPRO will need to relocate in most likely less than 1 year.  After 8+ months of analysis, discussions, research, LOIs, etc., in order for us to stay on the Pike and find an ADA compliant space, we will need to reallocate, find, and/or raise an additional $10k to $20k per year.  We only need 1,200 square feet, with the possibility of storage space and are willing to share and/or bring in a sub-tenant.  Please let us know if you know any individuals, businesses, etc. that might be interested.

5.) CPRO is currently in the process of refreshing our Strategic Plan.  As we do so, we are revisiting the Columbia Pike Revitalization Plan, aligning, and redefining our priorities in order to best support the implementation of the plan.

6.) Upcoming Events – Main Events Also Attached  Here –

CPRO 2020 EventsDiscussion Document

7:50 PM Resolution to APS and the County Board regarding our position on its proposed renovations of the Library (concerns about cutting study space/going mostly digital, etc.). Discussion and a formal vote are requested by Juliet Hiznay. (ALL)

8:10 PM Career Center BLPC/PFRC update from the last public meeting. (Takis and Marian)

8:20 PM Discussion on FBC – (Takis)

Meeting materials for the upcoming FBC AWG meeting on 2/5/20 have been posted on the FBC AWG website and include:

  1. Staff Memorandum
  2. Staff Presentation

Reminder CHCA is no longer using Columbia Height’s new list server is   FYI.  ColumibaHeightsCA is still our group name. Please pass the word about our new listserve.


IMPORTANT: Community Meeting regarding the Career Center Redevelopment

IMPORTANT: Community Meeting regarding the Career Center Redevelopment is Wednesday 1/22 from 7-9 pm at the Career Center.
The architects and APS staff will do a brief presentation overview of what has been discussed to date during the current BLPC (building level planning committee) process, including initial site plans and some potential renderings. It’s our understanding they will then break into stations based on the area (parking, community spaces, etc) where you can ask direct questions.
This is an opportunity to weigh in on what will be a huge redevelopment close to our neighborhood and tell them what features and accommodations to prioritize at the site.
Detail Information on the Career Center Redevelopment – BLPC/PFRC Joint Meeting #8

CHCA Meeting’s Agenda, Monday, January, 13th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm

Special Alert: Columbia Pike Traffic Changes & Local Detours

CHCA Meeting, Monday, January 13th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm
Location: Walter Reed Community Center

7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight (we still need to add a new delegate for CivFed) – (Ron Haddox)

7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the Dec 9th meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)

7:10 PM CHCA teaming  up the three civic association in Crystal City and Livability 22202 Presentation at Civic Federation  (Sarah and Ron)

7:15 PM Should Metro Be Arlington’s Plan for Columbia Pike?  (Takis and All)

Special Note: Short before the holidays, WMATA published the long-awaited Blue, Orange and Silver Line Capacity and Reliability Study. There it proposes 6 possible future expansions for the Silver Line, one of which (Concept #6) positions the line right under Columbia Pike!

 WMATA is currently seeking input from citizens in the region (online survey: here) and will be working on a final proposal in the course of next year (2020).

The prospect of the Silver line going through Columbia Pike generates a lot of interest and discussion in our community.

7:45 PM Formal Resolution regarding the parking proposals for the Career Center (ALL)

7:50 PM Resolution to APS and the County Board regarding our position on its proposed renovations (concerns about cutting study space/going mostly digital, etc). Discussion and a formal vote are requested by Juliet Hiznay. (ALL)

8:00 PM Career Center BLPC/PFRC update (Takis and Marian)

8:15 PM Arlington Arts / Transit Station Art update (Juliet)

8:25 PM Update on Pupatella and Rite Aid– (Reggie and Ron, Mostly Reggie and ALL)

Notes and Insight From Reggie:

Two things:

Are you aware that Pupatella Neapolitan Pizza at 1621 South Walter Reed Drive had a “soft” open house today (“soft” because they ran out of flour)? It was MOBBED by our dear neighborhood locals, tonight around 8:30 pm. The place is great: fashionably decorated, clean, and friendly. Terrific Neapolitan pizza menu! If you are already up on this news, then disregard it. However, if you are not, spread the word! I don’t have the civic association mailing list just yet.

Here’s the low down on the Rite Aid use permit property. Use Permit 2945-98-4 at 2820 Columbia Pike was approved by the Arlington County Board in 1998 for a pharmacy with a driveway, subject to conditions requiring an extensive site development, parking, and landscaping plan, associated with a comprehensive sign plan.

The conditions, as many as 25 of them, were very detailed. They ensured that the entire site is kept clean and well-managed, from landscaping to paving. From what I can tell, the use permit is not in compliance with three of the conditions concerning landscaping and site maintenance: #7g, #19, and #24.

Condition #7g, among other tasks, requires the applicant to submit a maintenance agreement ensuring site upkeep beyond the nursury’s two-year guarantee for the site’s trees.

 Condition #19 requires the submission of contact information to the two civic associations (Douglas Park and Columbia Heights), CPRO, and the Office of the Arlington  County Zoning Administrator.

Condition #24 requires the applicant to provide a business staff member to pick up  site trash daily.

There may be other conditions that the applicant is violating, but at least the above three, I believe are not being in complied with.

Now, Zoning Office officials inform me that someone dropped the ball during the intervening years since the last County Board review of this use permit. The last County Board review in 2006 continued this use permit, subject to all previous conditions with an administrative review in six (6) months (evidently to address landscape deterioration issues), and with a County Board review in two (2) years: 2008. Somebody didn’t follow through, and the 2008 County Board agenda never saw that review as scheduled!

I’ve never known that to happen, but now that it has Zoning Office officials have advised me to contact the enforcement arm of the Zoning Administrator. Zoning Enforcement deals with use permits that are no longer being reviewed and any use permit violations involved.

Therefore, Zoning Enforcement is where I recommend the CHCA starts, in addressing use permit property management at 2303 Columbia Pike.

Reminder CHCA is no longer using Columbia Height’s new list server is   FYI.  ColumibaHeightsCA is still our group name. Please pass the word about our new listserve.


CHCA Meeting, Monday, January, 13th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm

Dear Neighbors,

Short before the holidays, WMATA published the long-awaited Blue, Orange and Silver Line Capacity and Reliability Study. There it proposes 6 possible future expansions for the Silver Line, one of which (Concept #6) positions the line right under Columbia Pike!

WMATA is currently seeking input from citizens in the region (online survey: here) and will be working on a final proposal in the course of next year (2020).

The prospect of the Silver line going through Columbia Pike generates a lot of interest and discussion in our community.

We cordially invite you to learn more about this and participate in the conversation at the January meeting of our Columbia Heights Civic Association:

Monday, 01/13/2020, 7 pm at the Walter Reed Community Center

And since this is our first meeting of the year, if you live in Columbia Heights, we also encourage you to sign-up or renew your membership with your Civic Association!

Best wishes for a healthy and successful 2020!

We are looking forward to seeing you on January 13!

Ron Haddox,
President, Columbia Heights Civic Assoc.


Civic Federation – Beyond Amazon: Livability Tue 17 Dec 2019 meeting at 7p. Hazel Auditorium, Virginia Hospital Center

Beyond Amazon: Livability

Matt Mattauszek, the Arlington County Crystal City / Pentagon City Planning
Coordinator will provide an update on the status of the proposed development in
the National Landing area, which has the potential to exceed 20 million square
feet of building within the next five years.

The three civic associations primarily impacted by approved and proposed
National Landing development within or close to their borders are the Arlington
Ridge Civic Association, the Aurora Highlands Civic Association, and the Crystal
City Civic Association. In early 2019, they formed the Livability Working Group
that eventually became the Federation’s ad hoc Livability Committee. The
purpose of the group was to study the impacts of development in the National
Landing area on their neighborhoods.

Mike Dowell of the Livability Working Group will present “Livability22202”, a
summary of the Livability Committee’s study of the benefits the new
development as well as the impacts that will need to be mitigated.
Following presentations on development in the National Landing area, there
will be a Q&A session moderated by Eric Cassel, Vice-Chair of the Arlington Civic Federation Board of Directors.

Tue 17 Dec 2019
Refreshments at 6.30p, meeting at 7p. Hazel Auditorium, Virginia Hospital Center