Columbia Heights Membership Meeting – Sunday, February 9 at 2 pm

Columbia Heights Membership Meeting
Come to Discuss a New Grant Proposal
Sunday, February 9 at 2 pm
2811 13th Road
Our neighborhood has an opportunity to apply for a proposal through the County. This meeting will discuss options for this application, which would be made through the Arlington Neighborhood Advisory Committee (ArNAC), formerly NCAC.
ArNAC has received a million dollars to distribute to neighborhoods to address equity issues.  Our neighborhood is one of 20 that meet the standards regarding income and minority status.  The deadline for filing this proposal is at the end of February.
We need to choose a project that will help address equity issues.  One way to do this is to focus on the needs of families with children.  Here are some suggestions for consideration, although participants can propose other ideas at the meeting:
  • Updating the playground equipment at the Walter Reed Recreation Center playground
  • Installing playground equipment at the Cleveland Street pocket park
  • Identifying some possible site on the east end of the Pike for playground equipment.
Our meeting will be held on Sunday afternoon, February 9 at 2 p.m.  We will be meeting at the home of Sarah McKinley, 2811 13th Road.
For more information please contact Sarah McKinley at 703-402-6363.