CHCA Meeting, Monday, March 9th, 2020, 7 pm – 9 pm
Location: Walter Reed Community Center
7:00 PM President’s Update and the goals for tonight – (Ron Haddox)
7:05 PM Approval of the Meetings tonight agenda and the Feburay 10th meeting minutes. (Marian and Ron)
7:10 PM Treasury Report – Dues for this year (Josh)
7:15 PM Discussion on FBC/N-FBC Proposed Revisions (Juliet)
7:45 PM Share your thoughts on Safe Transportation in Arlington – (All)
7:50 PM Update on MOU/MOA between BM Smith, Pike Park (Walgreens/Riteaid), County, & CHCA? Update: CPRO will be working to set up a meeting between the appropriate parties, so they can determine how best to proceed. (Reggie)
8:20 PM Career Center BLPC/PFRC update from the last public meeting. (Takis and Marian)
8:45 PM Updates
- Newsletter (Marian and Sarah)
- Request from Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall (Sarah, Reggie, Juliet, and Ron)
- Notice of Use Permit Review: EvolveAll Martial Arts -1058 S. Walter Reed Drive – (Sarah, All)
- A Conversation about Housing with the Arlington County Board – (Takis/All)
- Follow-Up Re: Columbia Heights Civic Association – Walter Reed CC Playground, etc. Meeting Oct 14. (Marian/Ron)
- Trove Public Park Name Feedback Request (All?)