Columbia Heights Civic Association
Community Meeting
Monday, January 11, 2016
7:00 p.m.
CPRO Office, 2611 Columbia Pike
Please join CHCA for our first meeting of the next year. This month we have a special guest to discuss the Virginia Department of Transportation’s public-private partnership of the Rte. 95 Express Lanes project. The state recently announced plans to extend the 95 Express Lanes about eight miles north on I-395 to the D.C. line. This project will convert today’s two HOV lanes into three Express Lanes within the existing roadway.
Mike McGurk, from Transurban, the private partner in this project, will be on hand to explain the project, answer questions and get our feedback. Please join us for this very important discussion.
Other items on our agenda include:
Traffic calming in Arlington Village
Pedestrian traffic and safety along Columbia Pike
CHCA Activity for the coming year